
Arial bill ..
In the rainy season there are arial bills. During this time, the boat's boat and the buffalo lizard and the fish were different. The houses in the middle of the beel are like isolated islands. But arial bills are completely different in summer. Paddy fields across the whole bill Now running rice, threshing, boiled-drying season. Kisan busy in Bill - Kishan To overcome the boredom of mechanical life, one afternoon you can come here.
How to go: Take a tour of any road from Gulistan to Chanabari page in Srinagar. Rent 60 taka Take 150 rupees (8) to Bidadanga's Gadirghat on battery-powered auto in the right road. Due to the right-hand side of the bridge, the dry Arial Bill.
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B: DR: Wherever you go, keep the environment beautiful.
Let's quit polythene.

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