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Flag war, Proof of brain, quality and some other random thoughts!

It's been a couple of weeks since I had posted something worthwhile on steemit. Im getting too lazy to write something here. Meanwhile, I have been subtly observing big things happening here around and indulged in reading posts and comments that involved @haejin and @berniesanders. I know they both are big whales having millions of SPs accumulated in their account and have the power to nullify my account forever. Even I have commented under their posts with a big fear of getting large downvotes as rewards but fortunately enough I didn't happen to be their target. While going through a lot of posts and comments popped up in this blockchain aiming at finding a solution for the ongoing so called flag war and reward pool rape, this particular post appeared in the bidbot account @booster caught my attention. The owner of this bidbot ( @fyrstikken ) has discussed briefly about the importance of using steemit as a platform to mine Steems and SBDs through Proof of Brain.

We can see that @haejin produces 10 posts a day and gets large upvotes from a single account @ranchorelaxo. Those who oppose him are firm in their belief that he doesn't add any value to steemit and acts completely contradictory to the working model of this platform, POB. But this allegation is not entirely true as he puts in some efforts to make those articles and videos qualitative. As far as I understand, it is the disagreement with the high rewards he recieves that made a bunch of whales very angry. I have personally a story to tell about both @haejin and @berniesanders. (I have a strong opinion about these things. But expressing it could be more than enough to kill my account right away! Afterall I'm struggling to reach atleast 100 SP!)

When I joined steemit in the end of January this year, very first thing I happened to read was a post authored by @berniesanders about @haejin. As I was not following anybody in the first day, the only contents I would get access to was those in the trending page. This particular post showed $1400 in dollar value I guess. After reading it, I thought it would be easier for me to earn here and get settled in my life by posting just some dirty words. But the days followed proved me wrong. One newbie should work really hard and hard to make some little money if he/she is not investing their fiat money over here. The case of Bernie and Haejin is different as they are here for a long period and have invested a lot in the form of money and time into this platform. (Don't forget the external money)

Proof of Work(POW) Vs Proof of Brain(POB)

I'm of the opinion that one should completely understand the way of working of steemit even before he/she starts upvoting. The working model of and mining of Steems from it are exceptionally unique processes and it has outpowered many other cryptocurrencies existed during its launch.

We can see that all these cryptocurrencies have been constructed upon irreversible blockchain technology and anybody who has the willing to act can mine them in the same way coal/ gold are mined. Cryptocurrencies can be mined by solving complicated mathematical algorithms set by those who found them. But the process is not that easy as it appear to be. High computational power is needed to solve those sophisticated maths and it requires a humongous amount of electric power. Bitcoins are mined through this method and as it requires some mechanical work to put in place, the name Proof of Work(POW).

On the other hand, steem is a cryptocurrency that doesn't require a mechanical setup to mine it. The founders of this platform both @dan and @ned constructed steemit in a way that anyone who adds some value to this social media eco system will be rewarded and the power of mining the Steem is distributed among the users according to their influence which calculated based on their steem power. In this complex to understand way of mining only those who understand the system will be rewarded very well and those who seems to be noobs will be discouraged eventually. You should produce contents. They carry some quality which is subjective. You must use your brain. This easy but complex mode of mining cryptocurrencies is called the Proof of Brain(POB)



Picture Source-Pixabay

Quality is the only factor one steemian must give some thoughts upon while creating any contents. Again, defining Quality is a tough job. One doesn't need to stretch up an article into 5000 words to show it as though it carries quality. Size and quality in no way are interconnected. As all of us would collectively agree, quality indeed is quite subjective. What appears for us to be crap would be divine for others. What we perceive as 'Quality content' might be having no value infront of someone who are not interested in it!

We can easily spot many who post just a single image and get a few hundred dollars worth of upvotes. If the person who does this act is an artist, we comfortably tend to forget the toil he/she might have put in for days, if not weeks, to create the simple artwork! Thats where it gets important to have a group of people having similar interests as of us by our side always. Not only in our real life, but also here on steemit we have to follow this golden rule- Find the underlying passion that you have!

Final words

Use your brain and earn a lot for that is what the very platform that you are reading this post right now has been designed for! And to those who might have come after my mention and silently reading this post-

'I have nothing for or against anybody. My activities won't affect any person in this platform in any little way. Let me grow here a bit enough to have a voice and till then, please don't flag me'

An original content by,
