They will never returned

In this life, there are some things we do without thinking before doing it. Do you realize, something we do without thinking sometimes brings very deep regret. Whereas there is no way for us to repeat or even make amends that lead to regret.

Here are some things that cannot be repeated in life;

1. Words after being spoken
Keeping oral is one of the most difficult things to do. This is evident from the many broken friendships, broken relationships, and the cause is due to mistakes in speaking.

2. Stone after being thrown
A stone that has been thrown will not be reached again. Whether the stone hurt someone, or it will destroy something.

3. Opportunities that have failed
The same opportunity will not come twice. Maybe these words can illustrate that we will not get the same opportunities when we have failed at the first opportunity.

** 4. Time elapsed **
All the beautiful things that have become memories will not be repeated exactly the same as in the future.

** 5. Trust that has been lost **
Trust betrayed will never return to the same person and of the same size.

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