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Welcome Guest Dr. Muhammad Mahfudh from Country Malaysia.

Welcome Guest Dr. Muhammad Mahfudh from Country Malaysia
All students of Islamic educational institutions Jamiah AL-Aziziyah Samalanga under the leadership of Dr. Tgk Muntasir A Kadir, MA very happy over the presence of one of the Charismatic Cleric from the country of Malaysia. This is one form of civilization advances science education between Aceh and Malaysia.

In his speech, invites us to always be a tough and Islamic generations of Professionals in mastering all the dimensions of the needs of the modern world, and really being able to be Muslims who were able to make changes toward more advanced.

Before entering in the speech to all students, we also take themselves for food and culinary specialties of Aceh at home Eating The Batee Iliek Samalang. Stone-Bireuen they. Also present are UST Teungku Fadhli Landing and Tgk Fakhrur Caleg DPD From distric Aceh To Jakarta-Indonesia. Such a short blurb about the visit of DR. Muhammad Mahfudh to Aceh LPI HEIGHT DJA Batee Iliek Samalanga. May be useful. All this and Thanks.