using photo macro lens with beautiful ants

  • I have learned a lot with you About me and you; not be us
    About the grip; that memories About chanting prayers to endure forgetting I have learned so much with you About beautiful love; just a story About happy; changed the memory of pain About your smile; like a pitiful memory.


Slowly trying to forget The mutual silence to leave each other
In silence, in silence that no longer cares I'm just your mama masalalu Thank you for teaching me So many things in your way Despite having to break me first.

Into the garden I used to wake up for you that is now arid I just want to go home Together hope that I can no longer can I recall I lost him won May I be back quiet Sowing again longing in the field of weeds Let it be a memory Slowly disappeared Because heart has no Opportunity To get back to you I used to call dear.

  • I do not think I need to mention love again Let it be my business and my God
    in love you Love that faithful accept all the shortcomings
    Love that will not be decayed eroded time Let my race decay in your love
    Asa melting pounded your heart beat.


Let the universe testify, will be present on the side of Kan I crave you with my unimportant love I cover your body with a blanket of love, until the red ground so witness we parted.

Soon at dusk I do not know where to wait where tired I stared until the end of the universe Until I met only the rest of the shadow of your face
settling in the soul About the sense that can not be spoken by the word About a glance the exposed face disappeared in the late afternoon.

Also about the increasingly opiate yearning Again bring Then I should what Should I dry nestapa By looking for wound antidote
In orange. 6ccqvar7q8.png

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