Trust issues...



Trust can be referred to a popular saying "Rome was not built in a day" just as Rome was not built in a day trust is not also built in a day.

Trust is not gotten on the platter of gold. It is built over time.

Trust most times is sequence of events or situations that allows an individual confers trust on a person or a system.

In simple terms when you do well repeatedly, people will begin to trust you.
When you begin to do, the reverse people will begin to lose trust.

Trust is powerful, it is so powerful.
In simple terms when you do well repeatedly, people will begin to trust you.

If you're trusted by people you're a very powerful person.

One of the very virtue people look out for when going through trust process is honesty.

If you're honest overtime not minding the situation or surrounding circumstance people will begin to trust you and your trust level increases.

However if you begin to lie to customers and people who beforehand trusted you, the same people will lose their trust on you.

How people loose trust:

People's dishonesty has a way of depleting trust, dishonesty has the potency to make and an individual lose trust completely.

When a company who were producing a particular product with great quality begins to lose trust it because they started to reduce the quality of their products.

For husbands and wife little things leads to trust lose by both partners, little things like hiding the phone password from your partner.

Receiving secret phone calls can be another way the husband and wives lose trust.

It is always better not to break trust, rather than mending broken trust.

Trust when broken takes time to rebuild, and mend. Every human never sees betrayal of trust as an awful experience.

So to avoid the process of trying mend broken trust, don't better break it.

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