Scammer Alert, Trying To Capitalize On The Success Of The ICO Telegram


Since the advent of initial coin offering, one of the challenges faced in the crypto is a fraud. Scammers hovering around the ICO is popular and now they come in ICO Telegram sales is very popular.

In January, some site "phishing" comes after the technical documents Open Network leaked Telegram. Fake websites utilizing blast experienced ICO Telegram.

The telegram announced last week that the company started sales of the ICO in the second round, where in the first round they had managed to get a profit of about $850 million in a short time.

Interestingly, a set of other web sites have emerged, claimed to be the site of a Telegram where the ICO investors could buy tokens with tons of Litecoin and the Ethereum, Bitcoin. One such site is Although this site seems to be dead, it is unclear whether the deadly trickster of the site, although the site may have been turned off by the hosting company, after a fraud related news. Impostor site was registered on 12 February, with the adjacent time when sales ico Telegram began.

Other websites namely which seems to be made in Russia. Where a Twitter account scam sites, Telegram ICO (tonnes) has had more than 400 followers and promoting false ethereum wallet isn't associated with ICO original Telegram.

Although the Telegram has not made the latest comments about a series of scam sites that are disguised as their FAVICON.ICO, CEO and founder of the company, Pavel Durov earlier this year said that investors should be joined in official Telegram channels they are for more accurate information. He added that information from other sources that are not found in the official Telegram channels are most likely a scam.

A few days after the private sales, some false spam email sent to many people at the crypto community advertise ICO Telegram. Investors who have knowledge of the ICO will surely knowing that the Telegram only announced the sale of private and not even acknowledging all classes of investors.

It is not surprising if ICO Telegram is the target of the fraud is so much. Scammers are known to want to capitalize on the buzz that leverages crowd around them, however, with due diligence, investors can avoid losses. For example, all scam sites and Twitter account registered in January or February. The company usually register their site a few months before the ICO they announced

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