I did not believe this once. I thought that there were but a few who had real ability and that the rest of us belong to the mob. image
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I venture to say that it will be almost impossible to pick out a single person in any organization who does not have the ability along some line that could make him outstanding if it were developed.
I am dedicating this little article to the ambitious young man or lady - not for the man who is too lazy to unsatisfied with anything but the best.
There is room and a salary waiting for the man who has ability and is willing to put hard work into it. Choose your work, rather than have the work in which you have no interest thrust upon you. Find out what you can do, what you like best to do.
Most of the people who are at the bottom are at the bottom because they are willing to stay there. That is where they belong.
It is a hard thing to say, but it is true. The first thing to do is to find out what you want. Set your eyes on the goal. Then fight for it. There must be an objective. When you find that objective, set your compass and sail for that star. You can, you must and YES you will!!!

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