Hakuna Matata

Worries are natural human tendencies that come up at the point of challenges or problems.

Nevertheless, they act as a clog in the wheel of solution, blinding the solver to the solution.

Worries are enemies of strategies, they make vague the pathways to the solution, cloud you with emotions and frustrate your decisions.

They are very prolific, they give birth to more and more of their kinds when you leave them to thrive.

They are like weeds, they frustrate the plants (solutions) , share in its nutrients (mind power) and kill it eventually.

Worries can escalate to depression, anger, bitterness, and many more unwanted guests in the human spirit. Worries are like gatekeepers for many of the aforementioned emotional conditions.

Whatever you do, be quick and responsive to deal with emotions.

Worries are products of emotions. Emotions are enemies of decisions , so be mindful.

The best way to deal with worries is to deal with them, I mean kill them. With A knife? No. With A Machete? No.With an ax? No. Gun? Hell No!

You simply ignore them and face the problem objectively.

This gives you an edge over the situation at hand. It helps with your decision, it enhances your strategic skill and makes you a better thinker and leader all at the same time.

Many a time, what makes a leader a leader is the objectiveness of approach to problem-solving.

Everyone is a leader, even if you are not leading a crowd, you are at least leading yourself.

Much love from me to y'all.   

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