The Game of Thrones Hype is Real!


While I have been steering away from spending time watching television, one series that has captivated my attention for a number of years now and has been particularly excited for the upcoming season is Game of Thrones. This Sunday will be the premiere of their eighth and final season. I recall the first time I had saw a clip of the series was during one of my business travel events as I was getting ready for bed. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the eighth episode of the first season which spoiled a bit before I knew what was happening. However, upon my return from that business trip a colleague of mine provided me with the first two seasons on DVD. It was probably the first time that I had watched almost 20 hours of television over a weekend as I became addicted to it. It was also the first time that I actually subscribed to a premium channels just to have access to the episodes. Therefore, I could not be more excited for this upcoming weekend.

I have been gearing up in preparation for this weekend for a number of weeks now. Over the last three months I have watched all seven seasons once again. It is incredible to see the foresight of the creators as you watch the complete series in a short period of time. The way they have created a world, the characters, and the stories behind it are incredible from the creative and imagination perspective. For me it has been a deeply engaging experience to relate and share emotions that the series has challenged its viewers with. Even considering the various alternatives for the series ending are so varied that has us pretty emotional about the potential journey for some characters. Unlike seasons previous to seven, we do not know the fate of the characters as the books of the original story has not gotten this far yet. Even considering the books, the series producers have not hesitated to deviate from the books either which will make the books even more interesting in the future!


A couple of weeks ago, @ezzy shared a picture of a Scotch brand that was selling a special edition bottle and flavor to commemorate the upcoming final season of the Series! Being fully transparent, I normally do not consume alcohol, but when I do, it is typically Scotch. Therefore, I was more than happy to go out and buy two bottles. One for memories and another that went straight into the freezer for a brief tasting. It will surely be part of my welcoming to the new season on Sunday night! It is a different flavor that actually changes in nature as it warms to room temperature just like the bottle itself changes color to uncover the Whitewalkers which will be a large highlight of the final season. I have also been watching some Recap YouTube videos while on the treadmill these last couple of days to ensure I am up to date on the pending loose ends which I expect to be tied this season.

One item I have yet to setup is to subscribe to HBO once again to have access to the show for its Premiere. A couple of months ago, I renewed my cable provider contract and in the face of much higher fees, I opted to somewhat cut down on premium channels which included HBO. While they gave me an on-demand subscription for a limited time, that has since expired. Therefore, I will need to subscribe once again but I am considering a couple of options as now they have an App that can provide the same service for the same amount but without having to be tied to a contract with my cable provider which enjoys getting a bunch of my money every month! One of the things I look forward to in the upcoming blockchain and tokenized economy is how I hope we will eventually be able to just pay tokens (maybe SMTs) for only what we consume!


Sorry, Rules in Spanish!

I also have gotten an email from former colleagues that are doing a Pool to determine who survives at the end! The pool consists of guessing who survives the end of the series without dying him if the character actually dies you can get additional points by predicting whether or not he/she turns into a Whitewalker or not. However, if you suggest he/she turns into one you risk losing the points that you got for guessing the death if not accurate. you also get extra points for answering bonus questions correctly. The bonus questions include whether or not Darnerys in pregnant, who kills the Night King, and who holds the Iron Throne at the end. The buy in to participate was five dollars so why not have some fun while paying for the going through the final season of what has been my favorite show to watch in my adult life.

I recall that last summer there were a number of contents around the ecosystem when the World Cup came around. I wonder if something similar will be done for this as there is definitely some opportunity to do something and have some fun as a community. Maybe it’s something that I can put together for those who follow? Maybe I can share my predictions according to this pool and whoever beats me or gets the highest points gets something in exchange like SBIs, Steem, SBD or a Steem Monsters card? I would love to know your thoughts on this idea as it is always fun to engage with the community and I am sure that many others will be just as interested in the end of Game of Thrones as me. If there is enough interest, I can put something together but may have to adjust considering the timing of the post. Look forward to seeing what the Seven Kingdoms bring to us!

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