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Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman Kota Banda Aceh sebelum di renovasi

Kota Banda Aceh || Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman Dibangun pada abad 17 Masehi, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Banda Aceh menyimpan berbagai kisah sejarah sejak masa Kesultanan Aceh. Masjid keramat masyarakat Aceh ini juga kerap menjadi destinasi wisata religy di hari - hari biasa dan juga di bulan suci Ramadhan.

>City of Banda Aceh || Baiturrahman Great Mosque Built in the 17th century AD, Baiturrahman Great Mosque in Banda Aceh holds various historical stories since the time of the Sultanate of Aceh. The sacred mosques of the Acehnese people are also often a religious tourism destination on a regular day as well as in the holy month of Ramadan.