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Putu ayu

Putu ayu

Material :
5 eggs
250 gr sugar
Sp 1/2 tsp
200 ml medium viscosity, I blended with 5 pieces of pandan leaves then filtered and added 6 drops of green food coloring
Moderate 300 gr protein flour
Grated young coconut 1 white take only
Fine salt 1/2 tsp
Sufficient vegetable oil to smear the mold

How to make :
Mix the coconut and salt, mix well, take about 1 tablespoon of coconut, put it in the oil-coated mold, press and compress, repeat until all the molds are filled, set aside. Sugar mixer, egg and sp at high speed until it expands and white, lower speed then enter the coconut milk mixture, wheat flour, mixer until blended, turn off the mixer. Pour the batter putu ayu 6 cm diameter which already contains coconut, repeat until the mixture runs out, steam for 30 minutes, lift, ready to serve. So 40 pieces.


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