My child love my love


My dear boy, it's not nearly half a year since your birth to the world ...
Still remembering when you know you are present in mama's womb, mama is so happy and papa crying emotion, grateful ...
Still remembering 9 months more containing you is a miracle that seems endless. See you growing, hearing your heartbeat (who subhanallah makes mama and papa amazed), enjoy all the taps, kicks, movements you make in the stomach of mama ... Every second, every breath, every prostration, always prayer for you inserted, son.
And still kept clear in the memory, the seconds are fighting you and mama. You are so sholehah (everyone says like that) because the first heartburn begins to give birth to you, mama just fighting less than 6 hours. At that time you fought so hard, honey. To travel to the world, see the light outside, breathe the air alone, see mama papa, and everyone who loves you.
Your presence is so warm ... Your presence is so illuminating ... By that, mama and papa name you "Najmatuz Zahirah" ... Which means the enchanting star ...
Now your age is half year ... You are so beautiful, so smart, so sholehah. It's smart to talk, is willing to walk ... Every day, there are just your behavior that make laughter. Every night, when you sleep mama and papa watch you, and kiss your fingers.
Alhamdulillah, thank you nak you have come in life mama and papa. .. May Allah always give you health, ages of baroque, success, and ease in every step of your life ... Really have you, that is the best thing in life mama and papa ......

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