my activity in ramadan

Greetings to all steemian friends wherever you are, both in the country and abroad what is your case today! How fast today are you still fasting !! For his religion Islam is still obliged to fast until the feast day arrives. For non-Muslims also how are your days is it fun today?
I hope all of you are in good condition yes even though in the last few days the weather is very sting we sanking hot menbuat menbuat us fasting in ramadhan lazy to get out of the house let alone work as in this picture I am the people who harvest green beans in they rice fields under the heat of the sun marasa with work diligently despite fasting. Unlike me, I am fasting when I choose not to work in the morning. Because I did not work I used that time to photograph the people who are busy harvesting the green beans in the field, and even then I stood away with them I chose in the shade only if not impossible nor able to take pictures. Quite so long ago for my post this time I hope you can memakluminya
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