
Social connection are crucial to the survival of our species.

When we're born, we leave a comfort zone within the mother's womb, and have to deal with an unknown world. We cannot speak, walk, ask, or coordinate any survival function alone.

We also born with innate instincts of protection and survival. But instincts alone do not hold, it takes another being to provide basic needs for development our organic and mental.

Source: Pixabay

The human social bond begins from birth, with the person who will care for and recognize that individual in the world. Will provide desires, nourishment, warmth, words, looks…

Through this primordial connection, this bond, the baby can grasp human language, initiate the construction of psychic structures, and consequently of the mind, which allows the construction of his own consciousness and reality.

As Eugène Minkowski teaches us, the social bond is the link that keeps us connected to reality.

We are social beings by nature, to survive, we need to be!

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