Blog#35 | The Suman Chocolate Moron

Hello Happy Friday!

In today's episode, i will be sharing with you guys how to make the famous and the most delicious and one of the most well known kakanin here in my country, The Suman Chocolate Moron.

This was made up of ground glutinous rice also known in tagalog as malagkit being cooked in coconut milk, and the smoother variety of suman out of so many varity of suman here in my country. So without further ado let's get started sharing the recipe.



-1/2 cup malagkit (glutinous) rice

  • 1-1/2 cup ordinary rice
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1-1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup chocolate or cocoa
    (you can used any brand here if you wanted too)
  • banana leaves, and mus be wilted over fire
  • melted butter or cooking oil optional
  • some strings
  • some peanuts optional

Let's move down to the Cooking Procedures

  • Must Soak over night the malagkit and ordinary rice and Grind the following day. Below is the out come when you are done in soaking and grinding the ordinary rice.



  • Next, must Soak both ground the rice in coconut milk until soft and Add some sugar and the chocolate add also the peanuts. this is optional only if you add some twist on your chocolate moron, Cook the mixture over the low fire and constantly stir until the mixture get's thick and Set aside and cool.


  • On this part must prepare the leaves for wrapping by heating by over low fire. Brush the leaves with cooking oil and combine the white and the chocolate mixture. you can see on my photos below on how you will do it.








  • On this part we don't have exact size as long as you manage to combine the mixture and fits on the wrapper that is ok, wrap them and tie with strings. Repeat the procedures until all are wrapped.


  • The last part, Cook or steam for about half an hour 30 to 45 minutes in a double boiler container or a steamer you have options.


And we are done this is the final products, others put fillings at the center of the Moron like jackfruit or mango that was the special recipe if you put some fillings inside the moron.


I just woke up here early at 7 am hahaha! that's why i am look so haggard on this photo.

I hope you enjoy this guys and found something great on my Suman Chocolate Moron Thank you so much and see you again on my next blog. Bye bye!

All of my photos was taken using my Fujifilm xa10 camera

Thank you!


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