Litti Chokha:- A much native dish

So today the dish I bringing I fornt of you guys is litti Chokha.

People are not fond with this dish too much who belongs to Delhi and Punjab but this is way too much popular in Bihar and chattisgarh.
This dish is common as burger in USA.
This dish is comfort meal of Bihar Side.
Ball of sutta are baked of the charcoal just like they do in there states.
This dish contain great taste and high nutrients value.
Dish is divide in two part one is Litti which is a curry of potatoes and birnjal and choka which ball of flour of rotated grams.

He pour this sattu balls in butter and crushed them before serving.

This choka contains high amount of protein value.
And sutta from which it is made up of is considered as a protein of poor people.

But who cares protein is protein no matter where it comes from. And it is great that is source of protein is natural and it's price is dirt cheap.

A plate of litti Chokha is cost 20rs which around 0.30USD.
Eat such a meal is a feast. Some people consider not eat it because of there status but I don't have any status so I will eat it again and again

This blog is straight from the eat of India

I hope you like it

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