
The sun is definitely a very large planet from another planet, if we compare the sun like a field ball while the planet Earth se the size of the ball. The sun has a special task that illuminates the universe, with light then the creatures that exist on this earth can take advantage of its light. When the sun comes up it is called "the rising sun" and taka when it goes down then it is said to be "sunset". The sunset or the so-called "Sunset" is the time when the sun disappears. But the beauty of this sunset you can also see from one of the highest peaks either on the hill or in tall buildings.



The beauty of the afternoon sunlight or often said to be "SUNSET" is when the sun changes its light from regular colors to red. This phenomenon is often awaited by sebahagian people in enjoying it, this atmosphere can also be seen on the beach because this place is not blocked by any object. Its beauty can amaze the eyes that look and can be amazed for people who appreciate this nature.

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