Could it be that a small leaf can cover this vast earth?

Covering your palms is difficult.

But if this little leaf sticks to our eyes, then the earth is closed.

So also if we are covered with the slightest bad thoughts, then we will see ugliness everywhere.

Even this Earth will look bad.


Never close your eyes, even with small leaves.

Do not cover ourselves with a bad thought, though only a tip of the nail.

When we are closed, it is closed.

The vast waters of the deep ocean would never be able to drown a small boat on it, unless it begins to enter the boat.

Likewise with this life, gossip and all negative judgments will always be around us.

But they will not be able to drown us unless we let them come into our minds.

Keeping those thoughts is not the responsibility of others, but is our own responsibility.


We can not blame others for every problem present in our lives if we are not responsible ourselves, for letting "garbage" come in and pollute our lives.

We must filter out whatever comes through our minds as its gates. If our mind is GOOD, it will feel comfortable our life. Do not be careless.

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