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tips for forgetting the former

Believers Must Hate Back at the Ever-Doing Maksiat
From Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said
Three things that can have someone then he will feel the sweetness of faith, namely:

  1. Allah and His Messenger he loves more than other than both

  2. He loves his brother only because of God

  3. he hates back to kufr after Allah saves from him as he dislikes if thrown in fire (Bukhari 21 and Muslim no. 43)
    Tips For Forgot Your Former Girlfriend

  4. Fill your days with repentance and repentance continues to be the oldest ever committed. If serious repent, repent means no courtship anymore

  5. Self-centered with goodness and benefits. Because Ibn al-Qayyim said: "Whoever does not concern himself with the thing of benefit will surely occupy himself with things that are in vain."

  6. Hijrah from the environment that had never bermaksiat

  7. Stay away from friends with people who used to dating

  8. If you still remember the ex-boyfriend, trying to distract the mind or just imagine the ugly traits that can forget it

  9. Avoid associating with the opposite sex unless necessary

  10. Determined to be seriously married and do not want to go out again. Simply ta'aruf and know the couple with the right way.
    May Allah be easy
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