How to guard against divorce in the home

Marriage is give and take. It is also for better for worse. Christian marriage is very unique before God. Therefore, the two parties involved would have vowed when courting that they shall live together ever after.
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Circumstances beyond ones control usually occur in marriage, then, we should turn to God who restores and reforms. He is the master porter of our lives. When frustrating situations come e.g. not having children on time or loss of job shortly after marriage or a form of sickness, Christ is the succour at a time like this. It is outrightly not DIVORCE, BUT PRAYER.
You pay a price for marriage either in season or out of season. Whisper to yourself that, I can make it. Your dreams are achievable in united marriage. Don't allow Satan to subdue you to its evil ways such as drinking, nagging, smoking, womanizing, fornicating, lukewarmness, non-challant attitude and not trusting in God. Look unto God who cares at all times. Do not waste time on a problem in order for it not to become monotonous. Remember that dreams are what realities are made of. Look at the future and be patient to the end.
Marriage takes hanging on; it takes guts to withstand withstand all odds, whatever goes up must surely come down. James 4:7 says " submit yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee from you ". Plant the seed of love, endurance, forgiveness, comportment at home and in the public. Guard against any intruder, be watchful and prayerful. The devil you know in your marriage is better than the one you don't know. Do not rush in taking decisions; be swift in whatever you do. Hallow the Lord in your home. A family that prays can never be a prey to the devil.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 says " blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the river and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green, and shall not be careful in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit ".
The verses above covers it all that we should not discuss about our marriage with any man either when the going was good or otherwise, but we should make all our supplications known to God who knoweth the heart of man. He has the key to shut and to open.

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