Kale tumis


Materials And Spices Required

Main ingredients

1 bunch of fresh green spinach vegetable (washed, cut into pieces)
250 gr Shrimp (wash clean, give lemon juice)
1/2 lime fruit
1 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp of sweet soy sauce
1 tsp Sesame oil
Pepper 1/2 tsp
1/2 tbsp Salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 teaspoon seasoning seasoning
200 cc water
Spinach Seasoning Kangkung

Mature paste 1/2 tbsp
5 grains of onion (sliced iris)
3 cloves of garlic (sliced)
8 small chili seeds (iris)
2 pieces Red tomatoes (cut into pieces)
How To Make Sauces Saute

Heat oil, stir-fry spinach until fragrant, enter the shrimp, stir-fry until slightly changed its shrimp color.
Enter the watercress, stir until wilted, add water, stir briefly, put sugar, salt, and seasonings. Pour the sweet soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil. Stir until smooth and ripe, remove and serve.

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