Carrot tumis


Materials And Spices Required

Main ingredients

100 grm carrots (cut into pieces)
Meatball 6 pieces (cut into 5)
200 grm bean (cut into slaughter)
Garlic 2 cloves (thinly sliced)
Onion 5 grains (thinly sliced)
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tsp tomato sauce
Leaves of onion 1 stem (cut into slaughter)
2 tablespoons oil (for sauteing)
Red chili critic 4 pieces (sliced oblique)
Cayenne cayenne 7, small little slice
1 red tomato (sliced iris)
1 teaspoon salt
Sugar 1 teaspoon tea
Pepper teaspoon tea
200 ml of water

How to Cook Sauteed Carrot Meatballs Sauce Oyster

Saute onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, red pepper, and tomatoes until fragrant
give water, bring to a boil, then put carrots, meatballs and beans stirring until wilted, add sugar and salt seckupnya.Masuk leaves onions and oyster sauce stir well. Cook until cooked, lift and serve

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