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Belief Systems

"When ideology becomes foremost, morality becomes secondary." -futuremind

Pixabay johnhain

More and more I see a world where agreements/disagreements of ideologies is center stage. A world of righteousness, a world of apathy, a world of destitution, a world where people see through a lens, and struggle to hold intimate eye contact with fellow humans.

Polarization of beliefs, influence's(ers), co- signs, seeking of comfort over truth.

What is truth in today's environment anyway? It's whatever you want it to be of course. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Truth seekers tend to latch onto an ideaology, a belief, and focus their energy on proving their idea or belief is the correct one.

Whether it be climate change, flat earth, reptilian agenda, UFO's, ect, what difference does it make if you're right or wrong?

With enough research, with all of the info that has been provided (one way or another) you can prove just about anything you want to prove, but this does not change the problems we are seeing more and more of in the world today.

I propose that we are not living/resonating with our true purpose/potential, we are not in connection with the earth, we are focusing on rabbit hole ideologies with an intent to be righteous.

"If you do not agree with me, you are wrong, and I can prove it!"

So what does proving it do? What does it change? What is the point of being right and diminishing the opposition?

I've always been a non-proponent to the terminology in debate of "argument." Even if you are disagreeing or debating something, why does it need to be called an argument? What does arguing really do? Arguing to prove a point does not exact any real change.

Box thinking, rabbit hole truths, need for righteousness, keep humanity deprecating our morality more and more every passing day.

Why is it that so many humans claim to be patriots "support the troops, salute a soldier!" Yet sneer at homeless veterans on the streets? Why is it that a veteran who's willing to sacrifice his/her life at the whims of a psychopathy based war machine not worth a salute or a helping hand if they are no longer wearing a uniform? What has changed?

What has changed is simply status. See, what that person was/is willing to do for you, no longer matters if their status isn't correct. Do you see the fallacy?

Do you agree with me? Is this resonating with your belief system?

Agreeable or not, a representative you voted for may be responsible for the slaughter of innocent human life.

So while everyone is busy agreeing or disagreeing on things, struggling for status, struggling for a step up the proverbial economic ladder, vote left/right/indifferent, nothing changes..

The system we currently live in is enslavement. Plain and simple.

Legislation does not protect YOU, and it does not have your better interest in mind.

Polarization of ideologies and people are just merely tools for affect in a bigger plan of infringement of privacy, culling of humanity, war on the human psyche, war on our children, war on the working class.

What is a working class that has no choice? Well my friends, I would call that a slave class, and money is a tool in this slave system which scams you out of your freedom.

There is enough food and shelter available on this planet for everyone to live without starvation or homelessness. We have the science for mass clean energy production, we have solutions for virtually all of humanities problems. The only thing we don't have a solution for, is the scarcity created by economics/politics.


Is what is holding humanity back, and as a famous politician/president once said:

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Much love,

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