Close Friend * I want to have friends in the world and the hereafter *

Good night all.. How are you tonight?? I hope all of you are fine, wherever you are... What does friendship mean?? Do you have a close friend? Do you think that friend is important in your life? Answer it in your heart.. For me, friends are so important in my life. Because friends will understand what I feel, what is my condition. Friends can feel what I feel. When I am sad, they are too, when I feel happy, they feel too, when I have problem, they given me solution.... . . When I pray, I always pray for everyone I love, including friends.. *God, I have some beLoved friends. Please bless them with your Jannah* So many my friends.. I will share some of them.

Yesss, this is the moment when Princess Rina take some picture to post wedding of them and we are happy too.. * Congratulations * we said to Prince samsul and Princess Rina. May Allah bless you both and give you the best in this world and hereafter. Insya allah..
When your friend happy, I am sure. So do you.
Sometimes I pray that I wanna all my beloved friends always given healthy and happiness..
Yappp, I have some pictures when we happy together.

Just thats all i wanna share.. May Allah bless you all my friends 💞💞

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