Central Banks of the UK, Canada and Singapore propose Digital Crypto for cross border payments — for them — not you

Source: https://www.ccn.com/central-banks-of-canada-singapore-and-uk-propose-cbdcs-for-cross-border-payments/


Under the saying “do as I say, not as I do” , the Central Bankers all of a sudden love the efficiency and benefits of cryptos for cross border payments.

Hmmm....isn’t that like using Litecoin instead of Western Union as a use case ?

We are seeing the need for the Central Banks to embrace cryptos — or should we say “their own cyrpto’s”. This means their own digital currencies. The kind that they can print and print, not like a limited supply of Bitcoin. They like to have total control and the printer on high.

I think these Central Banks and Banks have no choice. It’s like a choice between sticking with the “horse and carriage vs a car”. They can see that crypto’s are more efficient than the current system.

This is a big market for Banks and only growing, as you can see in the charts below:

They are looking at several Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Models. More to come.

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