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Meet our Founder & CEO


As a part of Meet eSteem team series, we wanted to re-introduce our members who is working behind the scene tirelessly. Today we briefly write about our Founder and CEO.

Feruz Muradov

After 4 years of being involved in crypto communities, @good-karma started building mobile application on top of Steem, 2 years ago. He had been involved in different projects and crypto communities prior Steem, to name a few BTC, Nxt, Jinn, Agoras, Ethereum, etc. His involvement was sometimes as a developer, sometimes as an investor and sometimes as fan of the underlying technology.

Starting in Steem community was one of the best and yet very interesting one. He started out building ported mobile version of Steemit application that got deleted/banned from mobile app stores due to trademark issues. Seeing that as an opportunity rather than failure, he continued to work on project which gave birth to brand new eSteem. Step by step he worked on eSteem Mobile application, today it is known as Legacy eSteem Mobile application or v1.

Being fond of opensource community, project started out as first opensource mobile application on Steem and got dozen of contributions from community members, at some point we had/have 300+ members from different language and cultural background contributed translation of announcements as well as mobile app. With only mobile application eSteem achieved being top number 2 app on Steem which was actively used more than 10,000 active users posting and commenting daily.

Knowing he will be part of community for long term, quickly decided to run for witness. After 6 months of working on development of eSteem as well as promoting his witness, he finally got into top 20 trusted witnesses. Built number of applications and tools on top of Steem. As of today, he is proud to represent community's voice as one of the top witnesses, that powers every growing eSteem team.

As we are expanding our team, we are moving towards being much more efficient to deliver good quality products and improve our services. Right now, we have following products and many more projects are in pipeline, eSteem Mobile one stop mobile experience of Steem, eSteem Surfer desktop wallet application for Steem, eSteem Search search engine of Steem. We are proud to have him as our Founder and CEO to guide eSteem to new highs and bring crypto, especially Steem to mainstream.

If you have any questions, suggestions to Feruz, feel free to contact him by email:

Read about our CMO and Product lead if you have missed his intro.
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