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What's Your No More News

Hi how are you?
Hey, you are not mine anymore, how are you?
Hi how are you?
Bahagiakah you there?
Remember you with me?
I have ever passed in your life, I always ask you to always smile, I have ever been happy because of you, I was the first one of your grievances. I've always been in your day. I accompanied you from zero. I have supported you when you fell. I've ever asked you to rise. I'm the one who encouraged you even though you were tired. I've loved you and love you. I am your home, which you will skate in joy and sorrow.
What are you doing? Can you be found with new people? You who used to be my protector, you who always look at me. You always make my heart beat fast. You who always cultivate laughter and happy. You used to fight me in all your ways.
You used to be my place to save all the longing. You who once stole my heart. You are able to divert my world. You who have sculpted wounds, wreaked disappointments, made my heart cloudy, tears that drain unstoppable emotions. You are my teenage years.
Yes, that's you, you who have stopped in my heart, and now is not you anymore.
I realize I'm the one who is now a piece of your past. Perhaps, you already have a new love mosaic after me. I'm happy for that. I want to say, thank you for ever settling in my heart, from you I learned many things. Starting from the actual falling in love to the real hurt as well.
Thank you for ever fighting with me against the distance, even though your struggle is not as beautiful as it once was. Thank you for teaching me many things. Falling in love with me through with you invites a lot of meaning. Forgive me the less than perfect, I love you too much. Knowing you is the most beautiful thing in my life, many times I fall in love with you even though I will not be a resident of your heart anymore.
Happy for you for now and forever. Do not ever hesitate to come and tell me about your love story. We're still friends right? I do not want you to get hurt like I used to. Because for me, your happiness is still my priority. Goodbye. Take care of you without me.
God will never sleep, God will heal the wounds in the heart with happiness more beautiful than yesterday. I am sure of it. Maybe this is God's way to warn me not to love you too much, because God is jealous. Perhaps this is God's way of not allowing his sincere servant to live with those who turn away from the sincerity. Maybe this is God's way of meeting me with someone better, written in my mahfudzku.
Hopefully when I learn to sincerely, God will prepare a more beautiful scenario, until I fall in love with sincere and faithful love.
Thank God for opening my eyes.