never give up



keep up the spirit to face trials, because each test
must have a result. we in this life must be very clever to be grateful to run it.Wherever we are, this is sure to happen, maybe somewhere else feels like this. but in Aceh, especially in Lhokseumawe just happened. when I was in the lhokseumawe reservoir I saw the sky start orange. Morning is called dusk and then sunset, this is what we feel every day. at dusk, the sign starts to move, and the sunset is called the time to rest. Is this what is called life? Day after day busy with various things to make life more meaningful. but in my personal opinion, Life is a learning process that requires patience in facing all trials.
Everyone must crave a perfect life, where needs are always fulfilled, every day is happy and has no problems. But in reality, life is a learning process that requires patience in facing all trials.

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