Someday you will shine again... 💛💙❤


Someday you will be the Venezuela full of opportunities that my grandparents and my parents talked so much about. Today, what is happening here in this country, where day after day it seems that we are losing our youth and where the desire to fight is diminishing...

Day by day we see those we love leave in search of a better future, every time we are less who are here in Venezuela, struggling to live one day at a time. Where you work for a month is not enough to buy rice or chicken. Where every day in social networks we see how people die because they do not have food or illness. Many people ask me what I earn doing this type of post because I gain relief.

I know that each country is going through its own crisis and problems. But it is frustrating to want to progress and not be able to. Before with what was my allowance I would gather and could buy clothes or a gift for my parents. Today I work and barely enough to buy food. Today, Venezuelan youth looks for ways to leave the country. Why have not I left yet? I have my mom here and it's not that easy to leave. There are many things to prepare and above all to look for money to be able to pay for passage and expenses for the first months.

The most frustrating thing of all is feeling that youth escapes. Not being able to fulfill small goals like being able to buy a pair of shoes, an outing to eat, going to the movies are small things for other people. But here in Venezuela are luxuries that very few can give. The majority who work do it for half a meal. Hopefully one day you will be strong again Venezuela. And everyone knows you for the beauty of your landscapes and not for your lack of food and humanitarian crisis.

Today I vent to you, because it is not easy to live all that is lived in this country day by day. But likewise there is no day where I do not appreciate where I have arrived and how positively my life has changed. When doing this type of post my endeavor is not to generate pity or much less. It is the best way I have to express everything I feel. Because it is not easy to have so many goals and that these are truncated by a bad government...

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