Sweet and Sour Fish

Hello everyone,,,How are you today?

I have not posted anything because of my busy life. but on the sidelines of my busyness, I still took the time to cook the menu iftar for my small family.

And today because I'm late from work, and my ingredients are lacking in the refrigerator, then I just cook a dish that does not spend my time in the kitchen.

And the fish with sweet sour sauce is my choice.

Of course pineapple is a major contributor of this acid and sweet combination! although it consisted of lots of red chili and onion but did not give any spicy flavor.

I use a lot of flour when frying fish, it makes the taste of fish will be more evocative of my family's appetite ,, is not the fish fried with flour and in cooking until golden will be very delicious especially when fed with a plate of warm rice😘.

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