The ecological secret behind the digging of crypto-lutes

According to a new study, the energy price paid to dig the world's leading cryptoLight, a battleground , could cause a global rise in the temperature of the planet by as much as 2 degrees Celsius over the next few years if it continues with its current consumption rate of energy. Battlecock may be a promising new world of economic freedom for a number of peoples and ordinary people, but at least to date it is also responsible for a huge leap in electricity consumption.

Given that the BattleKnight is only one of a multitude of fast-paced, different cryptoLooks, most of which at least for the time being also using the method of mathematical digging to exist, it is worth checking if the energy and environmental cost of "Digging" will not outweigh the economic benefits of it. Scientists at the University of Manoah, Hawaii, have made a predictive model that, if the battlefield picks up a rate similar to the speed with which the company has accepted credit cards and smartphones, in 2033 we will have global warming just because of this isolated fact.

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