China has built the world's longest sea bridge

After 9 years of construction and controversy, China has found a humorous construction at a Hong Kong ceremony. The Hong Kong-Juhai-Macao Marine Bridge is part of a grand plan to create a global science and technology hub that joins two territories (Hong Kong and Macao) with nine neighboring cities, the new mega-region will compete with the Silicon Valley with its annual GDP $ 1.5 trillion. The construction of the bridge cost 20 billion dollars.

Its length is 54 kilometers and is designed to withstand the ocean winds, hurricanes and earthquakes for at least a century. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao could withstand 339 km / h of winds, and it was verified by typhoon Manghut, who recently swept Hong Kong, using 420,000 tons of steel and its towers drew inspiration from three main elements: the Chinese knots, the Chinese white dolphin and the mast of a ship, the turns of the bridge being made to resemble an ocean-snaking snake.

The structure also includes two artificial islands in which a 6.4-kilometer long underwater tunnel enters and exits to break the bridge over the bridge and allow ocean ships to pass through it.

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