Fifa world cup Russia 2018.The world is being hit by euphoria.

Russia was elected as the organizer of the 2018 world cup after winning the vote by setting aside 3 other countries. When it was still called uni sovyet, they were one of the great powers of football. The big stars like lev yashin were born in this country.
Russia has prepared the world cup well, it is estimated that millions of fans from all over the world will be present to support their respective countries, even from countries that do not qualify for world cup such as united states and china.
World Cup is one of the most awaited events around the world, enjoyed not only for those who dhadir directly to the stadium.but also by all fans around the world, including in my country Indonesia.Although Indonesia has never escaped to the world cup but the euphoria of the world cup quite felt here. World Cup here not only enjoyed by football fans but also for those who do not understand football.
For regions like Indonesia, to be able to watch all the matches in the World Cup we have to stay up until 04 am, but still we can not miss every moment happening in the field even though there are fees to be paid such as late getting up early, late entering the office and sleepy in office and others.
We may dissolve in the euphoria of the world cup, but still do not forget what is our duty, we may stay up to watch our favorite teams compete but still carry out our duties and work so we can manage the time well.
Thanks ro watch...

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