Shipibo Conibo


Shipibo-Conibo , They make up one of the indigenous groups located in the Peruvian east, the majority of this ethnic group lives in the Ucayali region (the Ucayali is a river in the region of the Andes Mountain Range and joins the Amazon River in northern Peru ), their women are dedicated to the care of children and the home, they create implements of daily use and their crafts. Their art is the heart of the cultural essence that leads them completely to a mystical-spiritual world and is based on the natural connection between the physical and spiritual within the jungle that is the maximum representation of nature and that is where they they maintain a balance for millennia with that Green Mother who has always been their refuge and protection (the one that provides everything) for what they are the heirs of their ancestors who always maintained that relationship of harmony, respect and devotion, possibly their wonderful and original artistic expressions express so much creativity, geometric harmony and particular beauty, product of that relationship with nature, in addition to an inspiration that is originated through visions obtained by drinking drinks extracted from sacred plants in rituals that represent communion with his Mother Jungle.



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