Pepes fish bilis (bileh payeh)

hello my friends

Today we got a little sustenance from our relatives, the fresh anchovies, we immediately agreed to cook anchovy pepes,

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Anchovy is a fish that will make us become smart, but if the fish is a fresh fish instead of dried fish, because the dried fish contains a lot of salt, it is not healthy if the consumption especially for people with hypertension, predator plankton
The benefits of anchovy are

  1. Helps the immune system.
  2. Caring for bone and teeth health
  3. Maintain heart health
    Thus the benefits of fresh anchovy.

Original Photo By @beurgek01

First we have to separate each type of fish, because only anchovies aja will be in though, this is a fish that has been separated

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Original Photo By @beurgek02

Original Photo By @beurgek01

The process of manufacture is, here we need materials such as:

  1. Sunti Acid (may also be replaced with Javanese acid and a little tomato)
  2. the red onion
  3. cabe rawit to taste
  4. Turmeric
    5.belimbing in pieces
    6.Cabe green in slices or in halves.

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Young banana leaves or banana leaf buds

Original Photo By @beurgek01
We also use fried oil and fried onions, will be poured into the fish that has been given spices that have been in the puree.

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Wrap the anchovy using the pisan leaves

Original Photo By @beurgek01
Put into teflon and give a little water then cook until cooked do not forget in the lid, can also be cooked in a way of burning

Original Photo By @beurgek01

Original Photo By @beurgek01

The pepesnya fish ready to enjoy, the most delicious in enjoy with warm rice.
So my recipe today, hopefully can inspire all my friends.
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