5 Tips on Choosing a Perfect Sweet and Mature Watermelon

When the weather is hot, watermelon seems to be one tropical fruit that many people hunted. With a high water content, which reaches 91 percent, fresh watermelon can dispel thirst and heat that makes the throat dry.

Although known as one of the freshest flavors of fruit, when buying watermelon, you also have to pay attention to some important things when buying it on the market. If you buy it carelessly, then instead of getting a sweet watermelon, you may even get a watermelon that tasteless and feel 'anyep' when eaten.

For that, the following coilFOOD summarizes five practical tips that you can practice when buying watermelon fruit. Anything?

  1. Checking the 'spot field' on the surface of the watermelon
    The spot field is a yellowish spot on the surface of a watermelon that appears when the watermelon is in direct contact with the soil. Yellow spots that are generally present at the bottom of watermelon can be one indication of fruit stems.

The more wide and yellow the spots, the longer the watermelon is planted. Conversely, if the watermelon only has a small spot field with a color that seems pale, it means that the watermelon is harvested early before it is completely cooked.

  1. Make sure the watermelon skin is dark green
    In addition to checking the spot field, try to buy watermelon that has skin tones tend to be old and dull. Watermelon with younger and glossy skin tones is usually harvested in a relatively early time, so it was not as sweet as watermelon with dark green skin. Also make sure the surface of the watermelon is smooth and there are no scratches or incisions, which will affect the taste of the flesh.

  2. Tapping the watermelon surface
    After checking the surface of the watermelon, lift the fruit and then feel the weight of watermelon that you will buy. A good quality watermelon will have a weight that fits the size of the fruit.

In addition to lifting it, you can also knock on the surface of the watermelon to check the density of the fruit flesh. A perfectly ripe watermelon will make a heavy, full sound when knocked. Conversely, watermelons that have many cavities in it will sound louder when knocked.

  1. Notice the color of the fruit flesh
    If you want to buy a watermelon that has been cut, note the color on the surface of the fruit flesh. Perfectly ripe watermelon will have a red color that looks fresh and ripe.

After that, gently press the surface of the watermelon meat with the index finger. When watermelon is still out of water when pressed, meaning the fruit is still fresh and crunchy.

  1. Adding salt on the surface of the fruit flesh
    To buy watermelon that is not too sweet? Do not worry, you can work around this by sprinkling a pinch of salt on the surface of the watermelon. Yes, salt is believed to release sweetness in some fruits, one of which is watermelon. Instead, use a salt kitchen with a slightly rough grain to salt salt taste not too quickly seep into the watermelon.
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