religion gets some animals that may be killed.

there are some animals that must or must be killed in the religion of Islam. one of them rats. imagebecause it is narrated by ole sayyidatina aisyah, rasullullah salallah alaihi wa salam said five evil animals that must be killed in the land of haram crows, eagles, fierce dogs, scorpions and rats, mice one animal that can bring the disease when it is inside the house and garden of the people. imageeagles are considered to be harmful to humans because eagles eat cattle like chickens, because they eat chickens, eagles are considered incarnate demons, who do not like chickens and try to eat chickens so as not to wake humans in the morning and at dawn prayer times. imagemosquitoes are harmful animals because they are animals that bring diseases such as dengue, malaria and chikungunya, according to the Prophet animals that harm humans may be killed from animals first disturb human beings. imagethe apostle gives news if the djinn are shaped like a scorpion, ulardan centipede, therefore his centipede kills centipedes in Islam is allowed, this genie relationship in konghuchu metology is called the stealth ritual, tapa, for the condition of adding supernatural powers. imageif compared with the dogs, plain black dogs are more recommended to be killed because the devil is very like transformed into a plain dog, other than that dog bite, wild or savage contains rabies virus that is very dangerous for human life.

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