Exotic insects. Butterflies that are unique and interesting facts from these animals.

Many people don't really know that there are some unique and very interesting facts about beautiful butterfly animals.
This insect type animal is one type that is famous for being very exotic because of its wings with various color patterns.

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Butterflies are very useful to help pollinate flowers and other plants. But only a few know that this beautiful winged animal has very unique facts that we may not know about yet? This is a unique fact about the butterflies that we must know.

I ). The butterfly in the design has transparent wings.
During this time maybe people know the butterfly wings are just striking. Though not only that, this animal's wing consists of a layer of chitin |insect exoskeleton protein| which is very thin, and if we really pay attention, the wings are so thin it looks transparent, but when seen at a glance this is not too visible because it is disguised by these layers and their beautiful colors.

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II). Not by mouth, but butterflies use their feet to taste something or food.
The most unique category of butterflies is their legs that have taste receptors that help it track down plant hosts and forage, this type of insect feels its food by setting foot which has chemoreceptors that can detect the taste of sugar dissolving and then tasting it. After finding the right flower or plant, he will usually leave the egg where he landed for the female butterfly.

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III). Butterflies eat only liquid types, these animals cannot eat solid objects.
The eating habits of these animals are unique, butterflies can only eat food in the form of liquid, like nectar. His mouth can only be used to drink and cannot chew solid objects. The trunk rolled under his chin functions like a straw, so he can find nectar or other liquid nutrients to be sucked up.

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IV). These animals drink through mudflows.
Not only sugar, this beautiful animal also needs minerals, to fulfill it all it will suck up mudflows that are rich in salt and minerals, this behavior is called puddling and is usually done by male butterflies for sperm production needs, then this nutrient is channeled to females when they mate and can increase their egg resistance.

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V). Cold temprature, making butterflies unable to fly.
The normal temperature of the butterfly's body is approximately 27-31 degrees Celsius. If it is too far below, this insect cannot move and fly. This ability becomes dysfunctional because it is a cold-blooded animal and cannot control its own body. That's why, this animal likes sunlight so that its body temperature is maintained. This is also one of the unique facts about this animal.

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VI). Generally, these animals live in Nature for a maximum of 2 to 4 weeks.
What is unique about the next butterfly, these beautiful insects only have a few weeks to live, observed for a maximum of 4 weeks, during this time they only eat and mate, so that these new insects continue to be born and never run out in Nature. But there are also types of butterflies that can live up to 8-9 months, is a type of butterfly mourning cloaks or monarchs.

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VII). The visibility is very close, but they can recognize various colors.
Butterfly's visibility only reaches 3 to 5 meters. More than that, the sight of a butterfly is blurred. But he could see ultraviolet color with a wide range, almost similar to human vision. This animal can recognize various colors and is helped by its wings. This can also help the butterfly to find the right flower to find a partner.

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VIII). These animals have clever tricks to avoid the threat of predators.
#Measured in the food chain, butterflies are in the lowest row. That is, many predators are eyeing them as a delicious meal menu. But some butterflies can camouflage with their wings and can blend in with the surrounding natural atmosphere, not only that, these colorful insects are often considered toxic by other animals such as predators.

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In general, butterflies are not toxic, but they can mimic the color or pattern of animals that have toxins. Very cool isn't it? In nature, for example, we can see such as the type of angel butterfly |Cethosia myrina|, Angel wings butterfly |Chimaera Birdwing|, as well as the bird wing butterfly |Ornithoptera paradisea| and many more available in the wild.

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#Therefore, there are many breeds of butterflies in the archipelago as an effort to preserve this beautiful animal.

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Especially for us to maintain the existence of butterflies in Nature, precisely we must preserve the existence of butterflies so that the population will be even better in Nature, so that this amazing animal can be observed or seen by a new generation of humans.

CategoryAnimal Photography
SettingsISO 1600 f 3.4
CameraCanon Power Shot SX540HS
Lens4.3-215.0mm f/3.4-5.6
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