Ulog: Learned something new on Windows 10

I learned something new today! Remember a couple of days ago I wrote this rather detailed explanation how to setup Harmony's Pangaea-node? Guess what? it turns out that there is an easier way of going about it where it totally removes the need to use a terminal emulator, Putty, to connect to Amazon web services cloud computer (AWS instances).

I was just hanging out with my fellow Pangaean-node operators over at telegram Telegram when someone suddenly posted a message that describes an unusual behavior of the BLS keys (an identity file) to connect to AWS intances.


What shocked me is the fact that he was connecting with to the AWS instance using command line from the Windows 10 command prompt. Apparently you can use the same commands used in Linux to get connected in AWS. You can type the following set of commands to connect to an AWS instance.

ssh -i <BLS-Key> ec2-user@<dns-address>

Note: You should execute this command where the key is located

sshcommand to run secure shell
-iswitch to call identify file (*.PEM)
<BLS-Key>name of the PEM file from AWS
<dns-address>IP Address of instance

You can also send files to the AWS instance using Secure copy protocol or SCP by using the following set of commands:

scp -i <BLS-key> <file-send> ec2-user@<dns-address>:

scpcommand to run secure copy
-iswitch to call identify file (*.PEM)
<file-send>Name of the file to send including extension
<dns-address>IP Address of instance
Target directory on the AWS instance

If I would have known this early on I would just have use this instead and probably cut the tutorial I made by 30% since we will be skipping the part of installing putty and conversion of the BLS-key or identity file.

Sorry for the technical blog-post but it helps me digest new information. I am trying to learn by teaching.😁

Anyway I hope you found this blog-post interesting and fun. Until next time friends bye!

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