The beauty of the scenery seen on the roadside of my village - English

Hello all steemian friends, I would like to share some of my photos with you.

Natural beauty in the afternoon, the location of Aceh Lhokseumawe

As usual, When the afternoon, when I went out with friends, I passed a road that has beautiful natural scenery in the afternoon that is in the area I live on the road that has a lot of fish ponds around.

I stopped to enjoy the beauty of nature in the cold and beautiful afternoons. Not forgetting I took some photos of the natural beauty to share with you all in this steemit.

You can see some natural beauty photos of the afternoon below.







Nature that always displays various kinds of beauty for us to enjoy. So let's keep nature together well, so what we enjoy today will be enjoyed by our future generations. Nature can be our place to learn and spend our time with nature to eliminate our boredom.

Hopefully what I write and what I share can be useful for all steemians friends. If you like the post I give your upvote. If there are errors in writing articles I share, you can comment, so what I write I can improve and make more articles better in the future.

Thank you for all follow @aneuksingapo

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