Today that I'm going to die

Greetings to everyone, the following story was inspired by the digital art of @xpilar, I invite you to visit his blog. The picture that motivated this story is the following.


Today that I'm going to die

Colonel Nicolas Fukuyama was one of the leaders of the rebel forces that opposed the parliamentary government over Cepheus and whose actions led to the war that took place in that world, which cost the lives of at least one million people, most of them civilians.

Fukuyama had the questionable merit of being the planner of the bombardment with Trojan asteroids, on the high orbit of Cepheus; bombardment that was the cause of the death of almost half a million lives, when the Pollux space station was hit by one of these rocks and an entire sector was destroyed, expelling into space hundreds of thousands of refugees who were in it.

When the war was finally over, Fukuyama and three other resistance leaders were captured, tried and sentenced to death, the only people to receive this punishment in more than ten thousand years of the Perseus era.

Before his death, Fukuyama sent the following note to his partner through one of the guards:

"Today that I will die, and my soul will be condemned to nonexistence.
I feel no sorrow, no remorse for my actions.
I feel the peace of having been consistent with my convictions.
To have been firm in my beliefs.

When my body is disintegrated and my experience torn apart.
When I am faced with the hopelessness of emptiness.
When the nothing consumes me, and my essence is devoured by it.
When my atoms and molecules for eternity are retained.

I will miss the calm waters of your arms,
Warm as the beaches on the eastern continent's coasts.
I will miss the sweet aroma of your hair,
Evocative and intoxicating like the fields of my homeland.

I will miss the caresses of your lips on my cheeks,
Sensual as the breeze that blows on the south coast of Pandora.
I will miss the deep beauty of the green of your eyes,
Mysterious and seductive like the green of the aurora,
that like a veil of light illuminates the nights of northern Cephaeus.

I will only miss you and the world in which I was born and for whose freedom I will die.
If in the nothingness of nonexistence, even my conscience prevails.
Only you and Cephaeus will I yearn for."

Fukuyama was condemned to die, thrown into a contained singularity, a sort of black hole, enclosed in a capsule, which would float orbiting cephalously until it was disintegrated by Hawking's radiation, which would take several million years. When he fell into singularity, his body would be disintegrated into particles and only quantum-level information would survive from him until the disappearance of singularity.

Text of @amart29 Barcelona, Venezuela, December 2019

Other stories from the series The Age of Perseus

I can only thank @xpilar for allowing me to use his digital art in my publication and for motivating my creation. Thank you very much @xpilar

Thank you all for visiting my publication, I hope your comments and I appreciate your support, until next time

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