Photography heterotrophic plants

Good afternoon, steemit

How are you all? I hope today will be fun.

this is my first post after a long vacuum from my platform


Today I want to share a new post from me, a hetrotrophic plant commonly referred to as a fungus or mushroom, a fungus that lives in symbiosis that absorbs food from other plants.

There are also fungi that live on the roots of plants on the ground, many fungi appear in the rainy season in weathered wood or haystacks and will die when the dry season arrives.



There are many types of edible mushrooms and some mushrooms that are not too low in calories contain vitamin D and B12, mushrooms are also many types of oyster mushrooms, button mushrooms, mushrooms and ear mushrooms there are many types of mushrooms that I cannot mention one with one

this is my post this time.

Have a nice day.

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