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The Most Disgusting Soup Dishes

The soups include delicious food and are liked by many. Although the soup has a variety of types, whether it's from the spices used, or from a mixture of ingredients they use. Almost throughout the country the soup is considered a healthy food because there are several types of vegetables in it. That's why the soup becomes rich in color, rich in flavor, and also rich in giz and healthy. In addition to healthy, the soup is also a food of fresh and delicious berkuah. Mostly, the soup contains potatoes and carrots, as well as other types of vegetables such as cabbage, celery, carrots, and are usually mixed with chicken pieces or rolled eggs.

This time, it will be discussed about the type of soup that is disgusting and may make us lose our appetite because the soup that is served is not fair. Materials and mixtures used are also very strange. It may be very rare that people will enjoy a dish of nasty soup, or perhaps a person who is daring and has "special" tastes.

Sperm soup of Cod


This soup also sounds pretty disgusting. How not, the mixture material is made from animal sperm, namely Cod Fish. Actually this codfish is already often used as food, and including fish species that are very easy to breed and populations of these codes are abundant in the oceans because the eggs produced by the parent can also be up to millions of eggs. This codfish also has the benefit of cod liver being processed to be cod liver oil which is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, vitamins A and D. These substances are substances that the body needs for growth. In addition, the use of this cod is sperm. Sperm fish will be coded soup and become one of the famous food menu in Japan. Sperma coded fish cooked with some mixture until melted and become cremy like custard. This soup is also believed to provide stamina when having sex.