Creating an Engaging, Interesting, and Thoughtful Article

I've been casually writing articles since 2004 when I made my first blog using Google's Blogger platform.

Since then I have learned a lot and eventually developed my own style of writing and I also found out what my niche is.

For new bloggers or for those who are aspiring to be a blogger here are a couple of tips for you that you can use when writing an article.

After writing a draft

Leave it for few hours and then read it again, or better yet, read it again the next day. In that way you'll be able to digest your article if it is as engaging, interesting, and thoughtful as you want it to be.

As for me I always read it after a day and I always found out that my grammar is shallow and is not interesting nor engaging.

Reading my drafts after a day when I created it always help me come out with a more polished, interesting, concise, and thoughtful one.

Creating a title

Make your title short, clear, and straight to the point as much as possible.

I read a lot of online articles (6-7 days a week) and I have seen that a short, concise, and straight to the point title are the most engaging.

NOTE: I just want to make it clear that the contents of this article are solely based on my experiences (Mostly on re-reading all my articles and then editing it to be as concise as possible).

I am an I.T. professional (Computer Engineer) working in a private company, a blogger, a father and a husband.





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