Mother's Affection


On this occasion i would like to discuss a little about mother. Mother is a woman who not only conceives and gives birth, but also cares and educates us. Mother is an unsung hero for taking care of, raising, and giving all her affection to all of us. Thousands many thanks for the unsung hero, who never stopped giving his whole body and soul for his son.

Often we never imagine it, what kind of anxiety a mother who at that moment was pregnant with us before we were born from her womb. With all his might he endured all the suffering and burden borne for the child he was carrying. Thank you mother for love that never end, sincerely your love will not be able to we reply.


In the family the role of father and mother is different even though both of them are parents. Parents have the same responsibility in parenting, but have different roles for the child. Father and mother have their own way of parenting, the mother is usually more patient in parenting than the father. Father sometimes not enough time for child because busy work, mother always have time for child because mother mostly work lot at home.

As the saying goes, mother's love along the mass and father's love at the crossroads. That's right, because where do we see when a father when he has a new wife sometimes do not remember again to his son but if a mother always remember her child even though she married again or separated with her child. The love that makes the difference between a father and a mother.

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By @adien705

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