Keep the spirit


All of us must have lost something either goods, money, or anything else. One of the causes of someone losing a life spirits is that he thinks his future is bleak, full of uncertainty. He became pessimistic because he thought his life was beyond his control. Our spirit of life is lost because we feel our lives have no bright expectations. Having optimism, success and failure is a series that can not be separated because before gaining success must have failed.

Do not feel the world's most failing person simply because of the difficulty of life, because the difficulty is the spice flavor in a life, must remain optimistic. We can surely pass all these problems by acting and moving forward, if we just keep silent all the problems we face are never finished because we just walk in place. Let's forget the problem and rise from adversity, suppose all problems are just a test for us more successful in the future.


Failure is a permanent wall that hinders success, but for a mentally strong person, failure is an opportunity to sharpen his ability to perform better for the future. Many of those who surrender, some run from the problem and often not even many who choose to end their lives for not being able to solve the problem.

We all need a way to rise from adversity, it is admitted that rising from adversity is not an easy job because we have to fight ourselves. While falling we often blame the situation, blame ourselves and can not do much more than weep for the mistakes that have been made. If we are currently falling or are experiencing a downturn, do not give up quickly because there must be a solution in every problem we face. Nevertheless, do not be foolish for making the same mistake for the same thing many times for not learning from the experien. Start making a change plan and focus on our ultimate goal.

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By @adien705

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