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Laxmi Saraswati Diwali (explore unknown something)


Heel winding in the south window takes a whirl. It's winter. Before that time, the winter would have been almost as usual. Durga Puja was the light mist and cold night started in the last night. It could be found at night watching or worshiping the puja. Now it is not the same. It does not come in the month of Magh.
Dipali takes a little warm. There is discomfort. Standing beside the window, trying to add the body. The evening came again. There is one small temple in the balcony. Burning the incense burns the apparatus ends with aati. There is no longer tolerance of the body. Feels tired.

There was a small pond before this side. Then paddy texture. The big road near the ground. They should be seen with the gap in the pond covered in the trees. After the marriage, Deepali saw the father of his father and brother through the gap. From the market to the north, this is the only way to go home. During the winter, when the field was dry and dry, Conakoni ran towards the house when Mahadev returned home from Bazaar. Nude Seeing everything changed. Most of these paddy fields were the relatives of his father-in-law's family. Now there is nothing. In exchange of money, someone in exchange for life, someone who survived those lands at the cost of wife and jhid. Now there is no rice there. The big road is ripe. That land is worth the gold The house has been raised. The street is in the shop. Many people have been left out of land, have been deserted. Still, those who survive, they are now trapped here, there are 13 houses in hand.

The pond was rounded. Pearl mia said, the land is gone, the pond can not be kept. Give me the wire Some money is worth the money. It's not a lie. No one else wants to take land with money. It's rather easy to capture Niranjana was going to run a bit. The situation in the front of the house is not good. Has been shaky There will be a tension of monetary tightening in the boundaries. When the shop started, there were three people in the house. Mother has left her, Laksmi and Saraswati have taken her place. Two girls are growing up Suddenly, Pyaati is the Deepa. Of course they are happy. Both are the girls. They want a boy too.

Deepa, standing in the window, kept her hand in her eight month pregnancy stomach. Looks out from inside. Got stuck It is very moving in this The previous two could not even do that, it is the only one that can compensate. Everyone says boy will be Diapero seems so. Many dusty boys will be a boy. Trouble will be a great deal. Right now it's been found. Gently holding a hand in your swollen stomach, gently breathing a little while in your eyes, Dipali, light sweat under her nose, smile on her lips ...

Previously there were many homes. Durga Puja was arranged. 4/5 years can not be longer. It is not possible for such houses to be organized in such a way. Religious work is sometimes called kirtan, from house to house, there is the worship of the goddess, and worship of such a small temple like Lakshmi Puja is worshiped.

Today is worshiped in the courtyard of Nagen Kaka. Prior to this, Laxmi Puja was the home of every house. Now this one is worshiped in Pura Para. Everyone came to go and set it. I wish there was a lip. But the body did not agree. Two girls are going from morning and coming. Since the evening there is no name to come. Sometimes it's heard to talk to the Father in call-call words only. The fireworks in the shop brought Niranjan. The kids are buying a couple of things after a while. These bring themselves to throws themselves. Some of the retailers for kids They're taking them all. Shut the shop and bring it to everyone's nakedness. Everyone was a little fun.

After closing the shop, Niranjan went home alone. Requesting the wife, to go. It is not possible for diaper. She wants to sleep. Niranjana accepts. Laughs, next time the boy will be seen in the lap. Deepa also agreed. The window can not be seen from the window. Basanti house in the middle

The house was built on paddy fields, the street was attached to the shop. There is also a large mosque. There's a big microphone installed there. Tune five times a day to become Ajan. Moreover, the wax is regular. Once a year, there is a large gathering outside the house. Hindus have twelve thirteen months in twelve months. Muslims do not go too low. Every Friday, the mosque is in the mosque. Everyone is heard in the house. Pearar Mia said that. They are afraid of listening to them.

Apart from this there is no arrangement in the Hindu Para, but the mosque is waved at the mosque. It starts from the afternoon. Most of them are the gods. It would not have happened before. From the whereabouts of Mokhtar Mia, the boy came from the old side and was the Imam of the mosque, since then it started. Deepa Array knows that. Abdur Rahman Name. Inkul Dipad was two classes above. There was calm calm. Then the father sent the cable to Hathazari or not to a place, in that place. To study in madrasa. Twice a year he would come. After the marriage of Dipa, when Purnar Mia bought the land in the side of the house, she came home and she came to see him when he came home. Then came back last year to the village. The big beard, always turbans on the head. People are very problematic. People are afraid of Muktar Mia, and now he has also got the help of his son.

These are the beginning of the dreams. Before the Kirtan, Muslim children came and gathered in the hills. All the kids went to hutuputati fast. Now it's almost closed. On this day of worship, Abdur Rahman started Waz. The kids were gathered there. It is better to say that is not Khajti Initially, some prayers were read in Darood, then suddenly, started talking about Abdur Rahman Devima. And what is the mahagulo all those words If you hear sin Dipaar first tears in my eyes. It does not happen anymore. But it is very sad.

Even today Abdur Rahman started from the afternoon. The statue of Lakshmi is described throughout the afternoon. Then started the food chess. Hindus' home food can not be eaten, it is forbidden. It was said earlier. Today, it is said that the purchase of Mistry Zilpi from the Hindu Shop is also prohibited. Dipar chest was shocked to hear this. Mahadev Misti's store has survived in the market. After the death of the father, the mother made little short, sweet, jilpi, salty, in the house and went to the shop. All those Muslims are Muslims. Thirteen houses in this place are Hindus, and there are seventeen houses in the house of his father. There may be a few more rooms available in the surrounding villages. None of them is good They do not get rice, how they eat misty!

Dip stomach back in the puller Keeps eyes on the window. The crackers are rising in the air of Nagen Kaka's house. It looks good to see him. But Niranjan spent so much money in an Akkel that he did not think that. All this would be worth a lot. The sound of Abdur Rahman's cracked voice came in the ears of the thoughts. The museum of the mosque roared and he ... Maloud's courage! This is going on here and they burn the pot! How do they do these disobedience? They should teach ... The noise comes from inside the mosque ... Abdur Rahman has more to say. They do not listen to Deepa. She came out of the house to pull the veil swirling like a bowl on one hand and pull her veil in one hand. It is not worth listening to these words in the crackers, it will become insatiable if you do not stop it. Dipa went out of the house and heard Mike's loud noise loudly.

Dipa could not go to the Kanaar gate to drag the body to pull the body. Before that, people of the mosque came along the courtyard around the courtyard. Abdur Rahman in front of everyone. He stopped to shout at all. Such lazy people and everyone screamed. Without letting anyone understand something, the people moved forward towards the Lakshmi statue kept on one side of the courtyard. Someone threw a jerk and threw a little Murthita. Niranjan ran back towards the stacked man. Want to save the mantapa? But can not Abdur Rahman kicked him and threw him to the ground. Joining him, Mazid of New Shop and Helal of the South Padra Deepa forgets about her full body. He forgets the discomfort from the afternoon. The bow is run like a free arrow. Go into the middle of the middle.

Dipali tried to save Niranjan by trying to save all the body till Abdur Rahman's kitti was filled in a filled poison belly. Before leaving, she could not see the frozen body of Niranjan.
