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"iqro bismirobbikalladzi holaq"

That is the first sentence in the end-time miracle that descends on the night of the nuzulul quran.

Previously, the miracle was prostrated piece of stick that split the vast sea. Or an ability to revive the dead.
How could it be? Just a series of sentences capable of surpassing the awesomeness of sea division?

Yes, every true miracle is a conquest of his own time.

In an age in which magic was the culmination of civilization, a cane capable of dividing the ocean was a conquest over the top of the magical civilization.
At a time when recurring skills were the culmination of civilization, reviving the dead was a conquest of a healing civilization.

At a time when the peak of human civilization is oral literature, then beyond oral literature is the conquest of its time.

Now, in this end-time era, we are entering the pinnacle of literacy.

There will be no college degree, no thesis.

There is no magistra title, no thesis

No doctoral degrees, no reading and dissertation.

It will not be considered Plato's thought without Republican literacy.

Not going to be a discourse of a Karl Marx without writing Das Capital.

Not to be worshiped by Baudrillard without a Hyperrealita book.

Here, the end-time miracle extends beyond the culmination of the civilization of science and literacy.

The miracle is now a book of legal codes, as well as epistemology, as well as the history of the previous prophet, as well as great literature, as well as news about the phenomenon of the universe.

All of that comes in a measured composition of letters, a remarkable word composition.

If it had been a miracle to have the corpse just save four people,

If it had been a miracle of dividing the sea to save only one people,

Then the miracle of the Qur'an is to save all human beings and the universe.

From the life of ignorance of Quraysh and modern jahiliyah to the life of rahmatan lil alamin.

Of course all that is achieved only when the Qur'an is fully applied by an institution of the legacy of the Messenger of Allah; Khilafah Rashidah, ala minhajin nubuwah.

Jogja 1618