The real estate agent and the human brand

The real estate agent and the human brand: the customer at the center or the person at the center?

The real estate agent and the human brand: the customer at the center or the person at the center?

Humanistic marketing between modernity and utopia

Modern marketing relies on the need to create confidence, empathy and trust with the client. We must realize that the focus must be turned to the person and no longer to the product. According to a study by Deloitte, the reviews influence buying more than one advertising spot and on these you have to work ( also applies to the millennial market of which I have already written here ).

Given that all this is shared and that the trend looks with determination to the humanization of the brand, to a race that rewards the usefulness of content and information with new customers , it is good to distinguish the " person " from the " customer ". Because if it is true that the attention of the real estate agent must pass from the building to the service dedicated to the client, it is also necessary for the client to become aware of the work done in his favor by the intermediary. And it is not always the responsibility of the real estate consultant to worry about this.

"The customer is always right", a well-known phrase attributed by many to American magnate Harry Gordon Selfridge, has left space, over the years, literal interpretations that very often unbalance the coveted relationship in favor of a crafty, disrespectful and opportunistic customer. It is not rare to observe, in the same individual, a change of modality between the person who is interested in a content, an information, an offer, to the customer who starts a negotiation motivated by personal economic profit, the advantage deriving from a certain situation, mode often " seasoned " by an attitude humanely not conciliatory, which creates unnecessary tension rather than supporting and accompanying the objective of mutual satisfaction.

The customer is always right, or not?

The customer's reason depends on what are the principles that regulate the relationship between you, real estate agent, and the person who at that time is in "customer mode". At least you can do 50% of the work.

There are at least 5 things you need to guarantee:

  • Transparency of information

The description of the property wants to ignite interest to facilitate the visit on site, but the same is a bit 'too optimistic, forget that it is a high floor without a lift, or the photographs are excessively retouched to such an extent do not represent the actual state of affairs? The customer is right .

  • Reactivity and reliability

You have demonstrated negotiation skills and technical expertise, but if you arrive late for appointments or do not meet the deadlines for sending some documents, you have a problem of reactivity and reliability and therefore the customer is right .

  • Accessibility

You have made available in resolving some urbanistic and cadastral problems of the property for sale through a trusted technician, but if the latter does not provide a timely response, your organization has an accessibility problem and therefore the customer is right .

  • Communication, credibility, tangibility

You promised buyers, methods and advanced marketing to sell your home in record time. But if this does not occur, you have a problem of consistency in communication that compromises your credibility and diminishes the tangibility of your commitment. Also this time the customer is right .

  • Courtesy

You and your staff have been efficient, but if you make an antechamber to customers and your team answers the phone with an icy "tell me", there is a problem of courtesy. Sorry, the customer is right .
Pointed out these principles, whose non-observance turns you into a target too easy ( you know the sign in the saloon "do not shoot on the pianist"? ), We can answer the question at the top of this paragraph with a nice " no, the customer has not always right ».

Put the "person" in the center, but be respected by the "customer"

They say that people naturally tend to good. Here, everything we do to build our professional reputation, the way we communicate, the generosity with which we provide our knowledge, work on the good part of the person. We communicate with her, we increase her with information and advice, we become credible, we bring her into our sphere of influence, we build a relationship, we build her loyalty.

It is a work that requires time and passion, love for what we do. We can do it through a blog like the one hosting this post, or through a video channel on YouTube or with images from an Instagram profile. The technicians call it Inbound Marketing (an activity that focuses on creating quality content, to attract people's interest in their products / services ). Basically we reverse the rules of the game becoming attractive to people rather than just bombarding potential customers.

However, when the person approaches and takes the role of the client , it is good to bring your self-esteem into play. So respect yourself to be respected. Here are some practical tips:

Define a mental perimeter in which to stay

My castle, my rules, said the Lionel Logue in the film The Discourse of the King . In that area the game leads you. Pretend clarity in the intentions and qualify the customer well with many questions. Explain how you work, anticipate that you will sign the visit sheet for each property to which you will have access, specify immediately your compensation.

Respect your time

Execute punctuality to appointments, do not be an usher, you are a professional! Do not distract yourself in following clients who do not give information about themselves or who appear hasty and superficial, the "leeches" who ask you for advice because they know they should not pay for them. Being generous does not mean being unprepared.

Do not be dragged down by sterile discussions, remain detached

Do not accept comparisons or incorrect generalizations. You know that on the market there will always be a "colleague" willing to do anything to close a deal, even to give a sofa. You are aware of the commitment and resources that you put in the field both in the acquisition of the property that in the promotion, do not play in defense, is the customer who has looked for you!

Be constant and ambitious

Your work can improve your life and that of others. Never abandon the dialogue with the people of your audience and stay focused on the needs of the client you are facing to create a profitable relationship.

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